Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Almost all of these was were caused by the Jews and they even brag about it.

"You {non-Jews} resent us {Jews}, but you cannot clearly say why...Not so many years ago I used to hear that we were money-grubbers and commercial materialists; now the complaint is being whispered around that no art and no profession is safe from Jewish invasion...

We shirk our patriotic duty in war time because we are pacifists by nature and tradition, and WE ARE THE ARCH-PLOTTERS OF UNIVERSAL WARS AND THE CHIEF BENEFICIARIES OF THOSE WARS. We are at once the founders and leading adherents of capitalism and the chief perpetrators of the rebellion against capitalism. Surely, history has nothing like us for versatility!...

You accuse us of stirring up revolution in Moscow. Suppose we admit the charge. What of it?...You make much noise and fury about undue Jewish influence in your theaters and movie palaces. Very good; granted your complaint is well founded. But WHAT IS THAT COMPARED TO OUR STAGGERING INFLUENCE IN YOUR CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, YOUR LAWS AND YOUR GOVERNMENT, AND THE VERY THOUGHTS YOU THINK EVERY DAY?...'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' which shows that we plotted to bring on the late World War. You believe that book. All right...we will underwrite every word of it. It is genuine and authentic. But what is that besides the unquestionable historical conspiracy which we have carried out, which we never have denied because you never had the courage to charge us with it, and of which the full record is extant for anybody to read?

If you really are serious when you talk of Jewish plots, may I not direct your attention to one worth talking about? What use is it wasting words on the alleged control of your public opinion by Jewish financiers, newspaper owners, and movie magnates, when you might as well also justly accuse us of the proved control of your whole civilization...

You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. WE ARE INTRUDERS. WE ARE SUBVERTERS. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and have played havoc with them. WE {Jews} HAVE BEEN AT THE BOTTOM OF NOT MERELY OF THE LATEST WAR {WWI} BUT OF NEARLY ALL YOUR WARS, NOT ONLY OF THE RUSSIAN BUT OF EVERY OTHER MAJOR REVOLUTION IN YOUR HISTORY. WE HAVE BROUGHT DISCORD AND CONFUSION AND FRUSTRATION INTO YOUR PERSONAL AND PUBLIC LIFE. WE ARE STILL DOING IT. NO ONE CAN TELL HOW LONG WE SHALL GO ON DOING IT...Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone.

But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. We conquered you as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda...

Take the three principal revolutions in modern times, the French, the American and Russian. What are they but the triumph of the Jewish idea of social, political and economic justice? And the end is still a long way off. We still dominate you...

Is it any wonder you resent us? We have put a clog upon your progress. We have imposed upon you an alien book {Scofield Bible} and alien faith {Judeo-Christianity, a false Christianity} which is at cross-purposes with your native spirit, which keeps you everlastingly ill-at-ease, and which you lack the spirit either to reject or to accept in full...We have merely divided your soul, confused your impulses, paralyzed your desires...

So why should you not resent us? If we were in your place we should probably dislike you more cordially than you do us. But we should make no bones about telling you why...You Christians worry and complain about the Jew's influence in your civilization. We are, you say, an international people, a compact minority in your midst, with traditions, interests, aspirations and objectives distinct from your own. And you declare that this state of affairs is a measure of your orderly development; it muddles your destiny. I do not altogether see the danger. Your world has always been ruled by minorities; and it seems to me a matter of indifference what remote origin and professed creed of the governing clique is. THE INFLUENCE, on the other hand, IS certainly THERE, AND IT IS VASTLY GREATER AND MORE INSIDIOUS THAN YOU APPEAR TO REALIZE...

That is what puzzles and amuses and sometimes exasperates us about your game of Jew-baiting. It sounds so portentous. You go about whispering terrifyingly of the hand of the Jew in this and that and the other thing. It makes us quake. WE ARE CONSCIOUS OF THE INJURY WE DID WHEN WE IMPOSED UPON YOU OUR ALIEN FAITH AND TRADITIONS. And then you specify and talk vaguely of Jewish financiers and Jewish motion picture promoters, and our terror dissolves in laughter. The Gentiles, we see with relief, WILL NEVER KNOW THE REAL BLACKNESS OF OUR CRIMES...

You call us subversive, agitators, revolution mongers. IT IS THE TRUTH, and I cower at your discovery...We undoubtedly had a sizable finger in the Lutheran Rebellion, and it is simply A FACT THAT WE WERE THE PRIME MOVERS IN THE BOURGEOIS DEMOCRATIC REVOLUTIONS OF THE CENTURY BEFORE LAST, BOTH IN FRANCE AND AMERICA. If we were not, we did not know our own interests. The Republican revolutions of the 18th Century freed us of our age-long political and social disabilities. They benefitted us...You go on rattling of Jewish conspiracies and cite as instances the Great War and the Russian Revolution! Can you wonder that we Jews have always taken your anti-Semites rather lightly, as long as they did not resort to violence?" (Marcus Eli Ravage (Big Destruction Hammer of God), member of the staff of the New York Tribune, "A Real Case Against the Jews," in Century Magazine, January-February, 1928).

���������������������������� Information on Wars

����������� WAR����� DATES

The Albigensian Crusade (1203‑1226)

The Battle of Courtrai (1302)

The Hundred Years War (1337‑1453)

The Wars of the Roses (1455‑1485)

The Battle of Pinkie Cleugh (1547)

French‑Spanish (1565‑1567)

The Battle of Lepanto (1571)

Religious Wars, Murder of Coligny and St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre; The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre (1572)

The First War (1562‑1563)

The Second War (1567‑1568)

The Third War (1568‑1570)

The Fourth War (1572‑1573)

The Fifth War (1576)

The Sixth War (1577)

The Seventh War (1580)

A procession of the League (1590)

The War of the Three Henries (1584‑1589)

The Wars of the League (1589‑1598)

English‑French (1613‑1629)

The Thirty Years' War (1618‑1648)

Anglo‑French (1629)

French Civil War (1632)

Pequot (1636‑1637)

England-Netherland (1640‑1645)

Wars of Louis XIV (1640)

Iroquois (1642‑1653)

English Civil Wars (1642-1649)

First English Civil War (1642‑1646)

Danish�Swedish War (1643-1645)

Candian War (1644)

Interlude between English Civil Wars (1646‑1648)

Wars of the Fronde (French Civil war) (1648-1652)

Second English Civil War (1648‑1651)

The Commonwealth (1649‑1660)

Polish�Swedish War (1651-1660)

Polish�Cossack War (1651-1667)

Anglo‑Dutch (1653)

Danish�Swedish War (1657-1659)

The Reign of Charles II (1660‑1685)

War of Devolution (1665)

Bacon's Rebellion (1688‑1691)

King Philip's (1675‑1676)

War in North (1676‑1678)

Culpepper's Rebellion (1677‑1680)

Ottoman Wars (1677-1687)

The Uneasy Truce English Civil Wars (1685‑1687)

Leisle's Rebellion (1688‑1691)

Revolution in Maryland (1689)

Glorious Revolution (1689)

Russian�Turkish War (1689-1700)

Great Northern War (Russia, Poland and

Denmark against Sweden (1700)

King William's (1689‑1697)

War of the Grand Alliance (1690)

War of the English Succession (1690)

Queen Anne's (1702‑1713)

Tuscarora (1711‑1712)

Jenkin's Ear (1739‑1742)

King George's (1740)

Louisbourg (1745)

Fort Necessity (1754)

Anglo‑French (1755‑1758)

French and Indian (1754‑1763)

Siege of Quebec (1759)

American Revolution (1775‑1783)

Wyoming Valley (1782‑1787)

Shay's Rebellion (1786‑1787)

Whiskey Insurrection (1794)

Northwestern Indian (1790‑1795)

War with France (1798‑1800)

War with Tripoli (1801‑1805)

Burr's Insurrection (1806‑1807)

Chesapeake (1807)

Northwestern Indian (1811)

Florida Seminole Indian (1812)

War of 1812 (1812‑1815)

Peoria Indian (1813)

Creek Indian (1813‑1814)

Lafitte's Pirates (1814)

Barbary Pirates (1815)

Seminole Indian (1817‑1818)

Lafitte's Pirates (1821)

Arickaree Indian (1823)

Fever River Indian (1827)

Winnebago Indian (1827)

Sac and Fox Indian (1831)

Black Hawk (1835‑1836)

Toledo (1835‑1836)

Texas War of Independence (1835‑1836)

Indian Stream (1835‑1836)

Creek Indian (1836‑1837)

Florida (Seminole) (1835‑1842)

Sabine/Southwestern (1836‑1837)

Cherokee (1836‑1838)

Osage Indian (1837)

Mormon (1838)

Aroostook (1839)

The Opium War and the Opening of China (1839-1843)

Dorr's Rebellion (1842)

Mormon (1844)

Mexican (1846‑1848)

Cayuse Indian (1847‑1848)

Texas and New Mexico Indian (1849‑1855)

California Indian (1851‑1852)

Utah Indian (1850‑1853)

The Crimean War (1853‑1856)

Rogue River Indian (1851, 1853, 1856)

Oregon Indian (1854)

Nicaraguan (1854‑1858)

Kansas Troubles (1854‑1859)

Yakima Indian (1855)

Klamath and Salmon Indian (1855)

Florida Indian (1855‑1858)

John Brown's Raid (1858)

War of Northern Agression (Civil War) (1860‑1865)

Cheyenne (1861‑1864)

Sioux (1862‑1863)

Indian Campaign (1865‑1868)

Fenian Invasion of Canada (1866)

Indian Campaign (1867‑1869)

Modoc Indian (1872‑1873)

Apaches (1873)

Indian Campaigns (1874‑1875)

Cheyenne and Sioux (1876‑1877)

Nez Perce (1877)

Bannock (1878)

White River (Ute Indian) (1878)

Cheyenne (1878‑1879)

Anglo‑Boer War (1879‑1902)

The Boxer Rebellion (1895)

Spanish‑American War (1898‑1899)

Philippine Insurrection (1899‑1902)

1900 Geneva Convention (III) on Maritime Warfare.

1900 Boxer Rebellion in China.

1902 Anglo‑Japanese Alliance.

1903 After the Colombian Senate refused to ratify Hay‑Heran Treaty, proponents of the

Panama Canal declared Panama independent from Colombia, and supported by a US warship on 1903 the Republic of Panama signed an equivalent treaty. In 1921, the USA paid Colombia $25 million for the loss of Panama.

1904 Japanese start Russo‑Japanese War by surprise naval attack on Port Arthur harbor, Manchuria. Japanese forces attack Manchuria through Korea. At the conclusion of the war, Japan

doesn't withdraw its troops from Korea.

1905 Russian General Stosel surrenders Port Arthur to Japanese Marshall Nogi, after a 7‑month siege.

1905 Irish statesman Arthur Griffith found Sinn Fein ("We ourselves"), the Irish nationalist movement.

1905 Japanese navy, under Count Togo, defeats Russian navy under Admiral Rozhdestvenski, at Tsushima, leading to treaty. First use of naval radio. In the Treaty of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Japan acquires hegemony in Southern Manchuria and Korea.

1905 First Russian Revolution.

1906 Georges Sorel's essay Reflexions sur la Violence published, praising revolutionary violence.

1910 Swiss banker Jean de Block predicts trench warfare in his book The Future of Warfare. Japan formally annexes Korea, a control which persists until Japanese collapse at the end of World War II (1945).

1911 Italy declares war on Ottoman Empire.

1913 Anglo‑Turkish Convention determines boundary between Iraq and Kuwait.

1914 Heir to Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, assassinated at Sarajevo, starting war between Austrian Empire and Serbia, leading to World War I.

1914 Germany declares war on France, invades Belgium. American President Woodrow Wilson declares American neutrality.

1914 In accordance with Anglo‑Belgian treaties of 1839 and 1870, Great Britain declares war on Germany.

1914 Austro‑Hungarian Empire (Germany) declares war on Russia.

1914 Informal opening of the Panama Canal (cost: $ 336,650,000).

1914 Great Britain, France and Russia join in the Treaty of London, barring a separate peace with the Central Powers (Germany & Austro‑Hungary).

1914 Egypt becomes British protectorate.

1916 Mexican revolutionary leader Francisco "Pancho" Villa (Doroteo Arango) attacks Columbus, New Mexico. In response, US president Woodrow Wilson sends General John J. Pershing to capture Villa. Pershing fails.

1916 Sykes‑Picot Agreement divides Middle East into British and French spheres of influence.

1917 Germans transport Vladimir Lenin from Switzerland to Russia.

Outbreak of Russian Revolution. Tsar Nicholas II abdicates throne of Russia.

1917 USA begins registering men for the military draft.

1917 British troops enter Jerusalem. Balfour Declaration in which British government announces support for creation of Jewish homeland in Palestine.

1918 Armistice signed ending WWI.

1920 Doreteo Arango (better known as Francisco "Pancho" Villa), the Mexican revolutionary, assassinated.

1922 League of Nations grants Great Britain a mandate to rule Palestine and implement the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

1927 30,000 communists and other dissidents of Chiang's National Revolutionary Army, in Nan‑ch'ang (capitol of Kiangsi Province) revolt against the central government at Nanking. Considered to be the birth of the Red Army. Marked the beginning of the Communist Chinese armed struggle for power.

1928 Kellogg‑Briande Pact reached, declaring that war would not be used as a component of national policy.

1931 Japan attacks China and captures the city of Mukden, in Manchuria.

1933 German Reichstag passes law giving Adolph Hitler dictatorial powers in Germany.

1933 United States goes off of the "gold standard."

1934 Mao Tse‑tung leads the Red Army on the Long March (6,000 mi./9,656 km.) from Kiangsi to Yenan in Shensi province. According to The Red Star Over China, the force crossed 18 mountain ranges, forded 24 rivers, passed through 12 provinces, captured 62 cities, and fought through the territories of 10 hostile war lords. All the while the Red Army was chased by Nationalist forces and had to fight rear guard actions.

1935 Mao Tse‑tung gains control of the Chinese Communist Party.

1935 Italy, under Mussolini invades Ethiopia, using poisonous gas against unprotected populace.

1935 Demonstration at Daventry, England, establishes British scientist Robert Watson‑Watt's belief that radar could be used to target aircraft.

1936 General Francisco Franco leads army mutiny in Morocco against Spanish government, spawning fighting in Spain which turns into the Spanish Civil War.

1936 Anglo‑Egyptian treaty of mutual defense, ending British occupation of Egypt, but reserving right for British to protect the Suez Canal.

1937 German planes, assisting Franco, bomb and destroy Guernica, Spain, killing populace, including women and children. Spanish painter Pablo Picasso does memorial painting Guernica for the Spanish pavilion at the Paris Exposition.

1937 Chinese and Japanese troops engage at the Marco Polo Bridge, 10 miles from Peking.

1938 Sinn Fein merges into the Irish Republican Army.

1938 Germany annexes Austria.

1938 Kristallnacht.

1939 Germany annexes Czechoslovakia.

1939 German Chancellor Adolph Hitler and Italian leader Benito Mussolini sign a "Pact of Steel" committing Germany and Italy to a military alliance.

1939 Leo Szilard, Edward Teller, and Albert Einstein compose letter to U.S.A. President Franklin D. Roosevelt advising him of the prospect of creating a nuclear chain reaction using uranium, for the purpose of generating energy and also creating a bomb large enough to destroy a city. Einstein encouraged President Roosevelt to appoint a liaison between research physicists and government departments, to increase funding for research, and to secure a supply of uranium oar for the U.S.A.

1939 Germany and USSR sign nonaggression pact.

1939 Germany invades Poland, starting World War II Russia invades Poland at the same time.

1941 Japan attacks US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Later in day, Japan attacks US army base; Phillippines.

1941 USA declares war on Japan.

1943 Italy surrenders.

1943 U.S. President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Churchill, and Russian Marshall Joseph Stalin issue a joint statement on war crimes, indicating an intent to prosecute war criminals. The statement included the sentence: "Let those who have hitherto not imbrued their hands with innocent blood beware lest they join the ranks of the guilty, for most assuredly the three Allied Powers will pursue them to the uttermost ends of the earth and will deliver them to their accusors in order that justice may be done."

1945 Yalta Conference, where Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin meet to plan post‑war Europe and Asia.

1945 Hitler commits suicide in Berlin, Germany by (according to his valet Heinz Linge) shooting himself in his right temple with a 7.62mm pistol. His wife of one day, Eva Braun, commits suicide by cyanide. Recent information suggests that the Soviets keep the Hitlers' bones until they are ordered destroyed by KGB chief Yuri Andropov in 1970.

1945 Germany signs articles of surrender in Berlin.

1945 Americans explode nuclear bomb ( Little Boy) over Hiroshima, Japan, instantly killing 100,000 persons. The bomb is uranium‑based, and was dropped from a B‑29 Stratofortress, the Enola Gay.

1945 USA, Great Britain, and USSR sign an Allied war‑crimes agreement. USSR declares

war against Japan.

1945 Americans explode nuclear bomb over Nagasaki, Japan. The primary target, Kohara, was clouded over. This bomb is the plutonium‑based "Fat Man."

1945 Japan announces surrender by radio.

1948 Informal division of Korea into two zones, which occurred at the end of World War II, was formalized, with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north and the Republic of Korea in the south.

1948 Soviet Union blockades Berlin, Germany.

1948 Genocide convention.

1948 British administration of Jerusalem ends. State of Israel proclaimed at Tel Aviv. On that

same day, the Arab League (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt & Iraq) attacks Israel. Jerusalem

becomes a divided city.

1948 Communist Chinese defeat Nationalist Army of Chian Kai‑shek at Mukden.

1950 Russian‑equipped North Korean Army invades South Korea, starting Korean War.

1950 Units of the Chinese People's Liberation Army cross the Yalu River from Manchuria into North Korea.

1950 Chinese troops invade Tibet (which had been autonomous since the fall of the Ch'ing dynasty in 1911).

1950 Battle of Hungna, where Chinese troops expel UN forces from North Korea.

1953 Armistice ends Korean War. USA losses were 54,000 dead and 103,000 wounded.

1954 French base at Dien Bien Phu falls to Vietminh army under General Vo Nguyen Giap. French pull out of Vietnam.

1956 USSR forces invade Hungary to suppress anti‑Communist rebellion.

1956 After Britain and U.S.A. withdraw financial support for the Aswan High Dam, Egyptian

President Gamal Abdal Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal.

1956 Ratification of Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of

Armed Conflict.

1956 Israel takes Gaza Strip and Sinai.

1956 Great Britain and France retake Suez Canal by force, using airborn troops reinforced

by commandos flown in by helicopter from an aircraft carrier. United Nations brokers armistice.

1959 Fidel Castro seized control of Cuba.

1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

1961 East Germans erect Berlin Wall.

1962 Chinese troops cross Himalayan frontier into India.

1967 Six Day War between Egypt, Jordan, Syria versus Israel begins as Israel raids Egyptian military targets. Israel occupies East Jerusalem , Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, and Sinai Peninsula. Israel forces closure of Suez Canal.

1968 USSR invades Czechoslovakia to derail liberalization under Czech leader Alexander Dubcek.

1973 October War (Yom Kippur War) in which Egypt and Syria attack Israel. War lasts 18 days. Afterward, Arab nations impose oil embargo on U.S.A.

1974 Egypt and Israel sign agreement for disengagement of military forces.

1975 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, falls to the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge set up a government (the "Pol Pot" regime) that engages in genocidal policies leading to the death by execution or starvation of an estimated 1.7 million people, constituting 21% of Cambodia's population. [More] [Photo of Killing Fields]

1975 Algiers Accord fixes southern Iran‑Iraq boundary.

1977 Protocols (I) and (II) to the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflict.

1979 Egypt and Israel sign peace treaty in Washington, D.C.

1979 During the morning, a technician in a deep underground laboratory in a secret military base called Compound 19 spilled anthrax material and, in a panic, turned on a ventilation system that sprayed anthrax germs into the outside air. The cloud of germs blew southward, over the adjacent military based Compound 32, and then across Chkalovsky neighborhood in Sverdlovsk, USSR. Although death records were confiscated by the KGB, researcher Sergei Volkov, a former environmental official in Sverdlovsk (now renamed Yekaterinburg) estimates that 1,000 people died. No children were affected. Scientists at Los Almos National Laboratory in New Mexico, USA, tested tissue from 11 victims, and identified four different strains of anthrax, suggesting an attempt to circumvent existing vaccinations.

1980 Iraq repudiates Baghdad Treaty and war begins between Iraq and Iran.

1982 Argentina invades and takes control of the Falkland Islands from Great Britain. The British are back in control by June 14, 1982.

1983 U.S. President Ronald Reagan announces the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), to protect the USA from missile attack.

1987 Palestinian uprising (intifadata) begins against Israel's occupation of West Bank and Gaza Strip.

1988 End of war between Iraq and Iran.

1990 Iraq occupies Kuwait.

1991 Gulf War (American: Desert Storm).

1994 Plane carrying Burundian President Cyprien Ntarysamira and Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and other high government officials is shot down by a surface‑to‑air missile while landing in Kigali, Rwanda, plunging Rwanda into genocidal slaughter between the Tutsi and Hutu tribes.

Jean Kambanda (age 42), Prime Minister of the interim government in Rwanda pleads guilty to genocide, and agrees to testify against others before the U.N. International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. [End note] It is estimated that, in the 20th Century, 170 million people have been killed

by governments.

Reference Materials